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Bertrand Sava, general manager for retail and travel agencies for HBX Group’s Hotelbeds, was part of a panel at the recently concluded MarketHub 2025 trade conference which discussed key trends happening in the sector, particularly within the Asia Pacific.
Sava, as well as other HBX officials, pointed out that, far from becoming obsolete, travel agencies and their agents are thriving well in this day and age.
In this exclusive interview, Save shares further insights with Travel Daily Media’s own Gary Marshall.
Travel Daily Media (TDM) Right now, travel agents are in, I think you used the word, a re-emergence of the travel agencies; and you also commented that travel agents are misunderstood; so, let’s just touch on those two topics, if we may.
Bertrand Sava (BertS) Let’s start with the misunderstanding about travel agents, I would say.
Actually, the example I gave you, is my own case; I mean, I’m relatively new to this industry, here for three years now.
When I was invited to join [HBX Group] to take that role as its retail general manager, I was really thinking about whether or not there was a real and thriving business and growing business; and indeed, there was and it’s still growing.
What is surprising is that what is actually fueling that growth is not only transactions from the older generations that used to use travel agencies regularly, but from the Gen Z, which is something that people may consider a little bit surprising.
Indeed, 40 percent of Gen Z are aware that they are relying on travel agents whenever they book their trips.
They really want something unique, something that connects to their values.
Gen Z really wants something that suits them so they value the experience all the more, particularly the add-ons, the hidden gems they wouldn’t have found out about.
They value all that more than just the total cost of the trip, and that’s exactly where travel agents need to be at.
In the context of overtourism
TDM Okay;now, let’s touch on that word over-tourism.
My assumption, and I could be wrong here, is that this Gen Z, to use your terms, is looking for more experiential places, maybe even getting out of the big cities and so forth.
Are they just tapping into the travel agents for another level of expertise about where to go that’s beyond the big cities?
BertS I think that it’s balanced, right; because on one hand, they like to go where they can have that post, that picture, that selfie, and therefore that’s relying a bit much on over-tourism.
On the other hand, they also prefer to do solo travel, that uniqueness that they are looking at; so I think they are also open to the potential solutions to the over-tourism which may involve travelling off-season or going to places that aren’t as famous as the regular attractions, right?
TDM You made a comment this morning, and it was so telling: 65 percent of travelers feel overwhelmed.
And I liked that saying: Too much information kills information.
BertS Yeah, it was actually a French journalist who said that.
But I love it, because there often really is too much information.
That’s what happens when you want to book somewhere or even if you’re just searching,
You get bombarded by offers; there’s just too much information, and it just feels overwhelming.
TDM So a lot of these Gen Zs are actually using social media of some kind.
You also made a comment saying a travel agency or agent needs to be where the customers are.
But, to be more specific, on what sort of platform do you think they ought to be based on your research?
BertS Well, I mean, you know, it’s social media, it’s travel blogs, it’s opinions posted online, even instant messaging platforms.
Those are all the platforms that Gen Z is using these days; and, for travel agents, that’s where they need to be.
They also need to be active, posting, reacting, and showcasing, because they’re really creating a relationship with clients even before they show up at the door, and that’s very important today.
Being service oriented gets results
BertS I think that successful travel agents have always focused on amazing customer service.
If you give great customer service, you will have a winning business.
I mean, you want your customers to come back, and they will come back if they know that you are going that extra mile they need in some cases.
Then they will come back for the next one, and the next one after that; so this is very important.
TDM You made a comment in the session that customers are willing to spend 67 percent more if the experience is worth it.
Now, are you talking about the experience with the travel agents or about the actual experience at the destination?
BertS I was speaking of that in general.
As a consumer, you’re ready to spend more if the sales experience is worth it, right?
Now, if the sales experience is good, the price is less important.
Statistically, Gen Zs seek out luxury accommodation, and it’s like every two out of three, right? In which case, they’re mean, they’re seeking something unique, something that really suits their tastes.
Another interesting statistic is that Gen Z actually spends 20 percent more than the average traveller.
So, if it’s worth it, they’ll do it.
TDM I also liked what was said earlier today wherein a lady on one of the panels said that the oldest generation was all “Let’s work now, then travel later.”
BertS But Gen Z wants their travel time now, not when they retire, and they will repeat the experience.
That’s why they think it’s worth it, and also why they’ll happily pay up for it.
About Bertrand Sava
A French national, Bertrand Sava has been general manager for retail and travel agencies for HBX Group subsidiary Hotelbeds since March 2022.
He has a well-demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry.
As such, he is highly skilled in the fields of banking, sales management, as well as financial technologies (fintech.)
The post Hotelbeds’ Bertrand Sava on Gen Z and travel agents in the 21st century travel landscape appeared first on Travel Daily Media.